1966 and all that

Our thanks again to Matt Plummer at the Gazette for featuring this wonderful retrospective on Eddie's first form, 1G, from 1966. You can read the article online here.

When I knew Eddie had kept a copy of the original 1G register (and we had photos of the class in his collection) I had always planned to do an update for the site on this particular group of students. After the last Gazette article 
Glyn Overbury, a former member of 1G, got in touch and I began to feel this was shaping up for a 'nostalgia' story that might interest Matt again. I'm pleased to say that he agreed!

I'm very grateful to Glyn for sharing his photos and also for this lovely quote (which was adapted for the article) about his time at the Gilberd and his memories of Mr Ross:

1966, new school, new uniform, new schoolmates, new classes, new teachers.

“Hello, I’m Mr Ross your form master” and so it started.

For the next half decade plus an ever-present as teacher adviser and guide. Able to encourage learning in the face of misguided antithesis from self-entitled stroppy teenagers. Calm and controlled, in step with the more relaxed education ethic of the time which replaced the discipline and rote learning model of previous generations (except for German verbs).

Like so  many others, someone often not appreciated until it is too late to say thank you – but in this case a happy exception.

So thank you Mr Ross.

Front Row: Janet Rutterford, Jean Crozier, Pamela Moncur, Shiela Chapman, Elizabeth Turner, Barbara Towns, Paula Coxall, Carol Green, Ann Coles, Rita Eady, Caroline Nielsen, Shiela Cawley, Hendrika Westaway
Second row: Leslie Haworth, Jeffrey Gwinnell, Vincent Jerrard, Glyn Overbury, Carl Hale, William Kempster, Neil Gilbranch, (slightly back), Philip Strachan, Larry Becker, A.N. Other, Paul Fookes, Andrew Lloyd
Back row: Andrew Ling, Martin Limb, Simon Brook
As I was putting this update together my inbox pinged and another member of 1G got in touch! Paul Fookes, who now lives in County Durham, had seen yesterday's article in the Gazette online and wrote:

Hi Mr Ross

Great to see you and our old class getting mentioned in the Gazette. So long ago but still fresh in my memory. Still recognise all the faces and names. Happy times.

Where have those years gone? I am enjoying retirement myself now taking it easy after a full and active working life. Like so many others, I appreciate all that you did for me, German was my favourite subject and I still use it sometimes. 

Take care and thanks for being so much more than a wonderful teacher, a real legend.


Paul Fookes

My thanks to Paul for his permission to include his email.

So that's two members of 1G found - just another 28 to go!

From left to right: Caroline Nielsen, Ann Coles, Rita Eady, Hendrika Westaway and Sheila Cawley.
We're always delighted to hear from any Gilberd past pupils with memories of the school and/or photos they would like to share. Do get in touch with us by email at eddiesphotos@icloud.com 

If you would like to write to Eddie you can do so at the same address and we will forward your correspondence on to him. 


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